Caperuza de verdugo

This item is currently not available in the Guild Wars 2 API and you are seeing the last known version. The item has either been removed from the game or needs to be rediscovered.
Defense: 0
Unused Upgrade Slot

La ropa de ciudad ya no se puede equipar por separado.

Habla con un comerciante de armaduras del León Negro en cualquier ciudad importante para intercambiar este objeto por un atuendo que puedes llevar en combate.

Account Bound on Acquire
Not sellable

Unlocked Skins

  • Helm Clothing


-Imported - No earlier history available


"item_id": "43094",
"name": "Caperuza de verdugo",
"description": "La ropa de ciudad ya no se puede equipar por separado. Habla con un comerciante de armaduras del León Negro en cualquier ciudad importante para intercambiar este objeto por un atuendo que puedes llevar en combate.",
"type": "Armor",
"level": "0",
"rarity": "Rare",
"vendor_value": "0",
"icon_file_id": "648161",
"icon_file_signature": "B1200670F92D80F24050D5B6EA5A4DDA091F7D79",
"default_skin": "1211",
"upgrade_recipes": [],
"game_types": [
"PvpLobby", "Activity", "Wvw", "Dungeon", "Pve"
"flags": [
"AccountBound", "NoMysticForge", "NoSell", "DeleteWarning", "AccountBindOnUse"
"restrictions": [],
"details": {
"type": "Helm",
"weight_class": "Clothing",
"defense": "0",
"infusion_slots": [],
"infix_upgrade": {
"id": 112,
"attributes": []
"suffix_item_id": "",
"secondary_suffix_item_id": ""
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