Diseño de mandoble del zodiaco

You are viewing an old revision of this item. Some data is only available when viewing the latest version. View latest.
Double-click to consume.

Haz doble clic para aplicar este aspecto a otro mandoble.

Not salvagable
Not sellable

Unlocked Skins


The skin unlocked by this item is required to complete the following achievements:



"item_id": "44839",
"name": "Diseño de mandoble del zodiaco",
"description": "Haz doble clic para aplicar este aspecto a otro mandoble.",
"type": "Consumable",
"level": "0",
"rarity": "Rare",
"vendor_value": "0",
"icon_file_id": "625826",
"icon_file_signature": "487BB569A2314DD8DA2CFBDE290BB70B9A160C34",
"upgrade_recipes": [],
"game_types": [
"PvpLobby", "Activity", "Wvw", "Dungeon", "Pve"
"flags": [
"NoMysticForge", "NoSalvage", "NoSell", "DeleteWarning"
"restrictions": [],
"details": {
"type": "Transmutation",
"skins": [
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